Adaptation of Prague to changing climate
Submitted: 1. 7. 2015
Report summarizing the outcomes of the first participatory workshop “Adaptation of Prague to changing climate”.
The participatory workshop was organized in Brno on 20th April 2015 by CzechGlobe together with the Prague Institute of Planning and Development and the Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation.
The workshop aimed to identify key problems related to climate change impacts to the city of Brno currently and in near future (2030). The identified climate related problems include, among others, extreme rainfall and insufficient water retention, extreme temperatures and urban heat island development, quality and quantity of urban greenery. Furthermore, selected ecosystem-based adaptation measures were assessed by participants according to several criterions, such as financial, technical feasibility of the measures, time demand, etc.
The outcomes of the first round of participatory workshops will be utilized within subsequent activities of UrbanAdapt project, as inputs for economic evaluation of particular adaptation measures, basis for institutional analysis, etc. The second round of the seminars will be held in autumn 2015, which will mainly focus on presentation of preliminary project outcomes, discussions concerning adaptation planning in the cities and development of the adaptation strategies.
The project report summarizes outcomes of the first participatory workshop in Prague (in Czech only).