About the project

The project structure is based on an adaptation cycle (see Figure below), broadly used approach to design and development of adaptation strategies, which is dynamic and iterative. UrbanAdapt project has seven project phases, starting from preparatory phase of adaptation, to design and planning of adaptation strategies and their implementation. The adaptation cycle combines the EU approach to the development of adaptation strategies and approach of PROVIA –The Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation. The project also follows up on current outputs of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the European FP7 research project BASE - Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe (http://base-project.eu/).


Goals of UrbanAdapt project include:
1. Progress of adaptation alternatives in selected cities (Prague, Brno, Pilsen) focused on integrating elements of "green and blue infrastructure"
2. Preparation of the adaptation process, identification of major topics in the field of urban adaptation – to support development of the upcoming National Adaptation Strategy 
3. Assessment of risks and vulnerabilities associated with climate change impacts at the level of selected cities
4. Design and development of urban adaptation measures with a focus on ecosystem-based approaches
5. Quantifying costs and benefits of preferred adaptation measures in the cities
6. Development of adaptation strategies of the pilot cities (Prague, Brno, Pilsen)
7. Initiation of implementation of the proposed adaptation strategies, designing monitoring criteria